Schüco Balcony systems – the right balcony for your property
Old or new buildings, single family homes or multiple family dwellings – Schüco balcony systems embellish any property.
The balconies from Schüco systems are made from high-quality material, which is durable and easy to maintain. The systems are characterised by variable installation options and minimal maintenance requirements. Schüco balconies create quality of life, increase comfort in your home and increase the value of your property in the long term.

Balcony extensions
With the Schüco extension, we offer you an attractive, economical option. The balcony is held by supports, whilst brackets are used on the wall side to connect them with the outer wall.
This type of construction is suitable for old and new buildings.

Built-on balconies
The Schüco built-on balcony can be added retrospectively. The construction is free-standing on supports and is anchored to the façade.
This type of construction is suitable for old buildings.

Stacked balconies
The Schüco stacked balconies have a high degree of prefabrication. This makes the construction time-saving and economical. Internal supports ensure that the balconies fit seamlessly into the overall appearance of the façade.
This type of construction is ideal for old buildings.

Cantilever balconies
The Schüco cantilever balconies are ideal for walls where gate entrances, footpaths or parking areas do not allow foundations.
This type of construction is highly suitable for old and new buildings.